Sunday, March 29, 2020

Lasting Influence

Sunday Afternoon March 29th 2020 

I was reading this week in the Book of Mormon about Enos and how he went hunting, and remembered the words his father said…

This morning I was saying to Glenn “I miss my relationship with my Dad… He often would make comments that really made me think differently.”

He once said “Judy is our night-time perambulator…”  in the most natural and matter of fact way.  No criticism or praise...  That helped me see who I was in his eyes.  I still perambulate in the night-time sometimes… I guess that’s just a part of who I am.  I realized I get alone-time in the night when others are sleeping.  Of course… there is a price to pay – now I give myself a break then next day when I’ve been awake during the night.  Night time is also very good undisturbed thinking time.

He once asked me “Do you ever think about the person you are speaking to on the phone? … where they are while you are talking, what they’re doing…”  No – I never thought that before… Now I sometimes do.

I’m glad he was my Dad.  We spent some very good times together.  We made some good memories  when we reasonably could – considering his life and mine.  I’m glad I had no regrets when he died.  I meaningfully visited with him every week – by letter, phone call or actual visit.

I’m grateful for those I choose to live with.  I’m grateful for my husband.  We are so very different, and between the two of us we’ve knocked off some rough edges and made a good and peaceful life together.  I hope our children feel and come to appreciate the benefit of who and what we were able to be along our individual and family journeys when we were raising them.  Some families walk a dangerous walk together, some a disastrous.  We chose the risk of working out our differences and problems whilst staying together.  It was potentially greatly refining for both of us, and each of our children.  No going back and changing anything… onward, ever onward we go…

There were others who blessed and influenced me along the way.  All of them imperfect, I could identify their flaws easily… nevertheless each was a comfort, an encouragement, a teacher and a blessing to me on my journey to increasing maturity.

My heavenly Father – Thank You for your patience with and trust in me.
I’m discovering more and more, about what really matters most, every day.
There’s so much to learn!  I’m delighted I’ll never run out of things to learn!

My family of origin.  They have known me for the longest time of my life.
Lionel Bibb - he blessed his own family, and me too.
My husband.  I discovered in my studies, unless we learn better, we 'instinctively' choose who we need to learn from and with.  Usually someone ‘like’ the parent we had the most challenge with.  We get to figure out as an adult what we could not when we were children in our original circumstances.
Douglas, Angela, Dianne and Gillian.  I’ve learnt so much from and with you.  I believe you agreed to come to us and ‘help’ us along as we ‘help’ you along. You also ‘know’ me inside and out.
Our extended families – I appreciate the new dimensions and experiences you bring into my life.
I’m grateful Glenn and our children haven’t given up on me.  Thank you.

Sylvia Poss – my main FAMSA trainer - for many years.
Linda Brown – a significant turning-point FAMSA trainer.
My LifeLine trainers - also over many years.
Chris Golden – our home teacher, then our Stake President.
A senior missionary Sister at the Missionary Training Centre – I don’t remember her name.
She told me about a moment in her relationship with her husband. 
She said she had occasion to say to him  “If you can’t and don’t appreciate me, you’ll lose me.”
The scriptures, and teachers, and commentators on the scriptures.
General Conference and other church leaders talks.
Many, many church talks and classes through many years.
The church magazines, and other good magazines.
Many authors of books I have been blessed to learn from – either in formal- or self-study.

I continue to learn.  Every day!  Amazing!
I continue to choose to become more and more my unique, special and irreplaceable self.
I continue to live the best way I know how, every day, for most of it, almost all the time.
I’m not perfect yet…
I still have a long way to go.
And - I’m a whole lot more mature than I was able to be earlier in my life.

Thank you each for the good I have gleaned from each of you.
Thank you all those who have not given up on me.

Whose words have had a lasting influence on you?

I love you.

Mom / Judy

Now that watermelon is scarce…
Delicious and nutritious papaya and banana!

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