Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Johannesburg Temple - Twice Last Week

I visited the Temple twice last week.  Once my usual Friday morning for the 6am session, once Saturday morning for the 7am time-slot with Les, Dom and Cindy.  We met Doug and Ethan there.

Thanks to knowledgeable computer work done by others and our Les and Shelly, perhaps I blessed the life of  one of my extended family members, Margaret Rebecca Powrie, who lived in the early 1800's in Canada, and perhaps also the life of a woman who lived somewhere in the Democratic Republic of Congo about a hundred years ago.

I certainly blessed my own life as I soaked in the beauty, order and quiet of being in the Temple again.  I enjoy my Time Out Of Time when I go there.

Thanks to Dom, Cindy and Ethan, we have more extended family members to give an opportunity to if they wish to receive the gift we offer so many years after they lived their lives.  I am grateful for all those who have gone before me and who laid foundation stones on which I can build in my time.

My fellow-named Judy (Dowthwaite) in Relief Society said a couple of years ago "These people's names have not been mentioned for hundreds of years and now we think of them, mention them by name and offer them a gift."  I liked that.  I think of her words quite often.

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