Wednesday, January 21, 2015

There Is Beauty All Around

Rhodesian Flame Lilies
Beautiful sheen on these leaves
Birds nests past and present - what a view!
Sometimes some trees need a little gentle persuasion.
Some trees need a little help.
Contrasting leaves.
A fallen and felled tree just keeps on growing!
The dead and rotting is beautiful still.
New growing out of old...

A sawn-off tree.  New abundant growth from below where the tree was cut.
I joined my Tai Chi class.
Intricate leaves, beautiful little flowers nearby.
Interesting growth on the walk back to my car.
The gorgeous sound of water flowing past rocks that will not easily be moved.
Brilliant Coprosma.
Soft and bright green moss after the rains we have had.
Delicate fronds in the dell.
More lovely moss.
The tropical plants sprouting again in the warmth of Summer.
Make the most of the beauty of a fallen tree.
I promise myself - One day I will come here in a thunderstorm and see the water rising to this high point!  See the tuft of caught grass in the tree?
Cycad details...

More contrasting foliage.
 Delicate flowers.
A photo shoot in progress.
Stately and delicate.
Even the weeds are beautiful!
Tiny flowers blooming in the grass.
I wonder who left the feather?
Interesting bark on this white stinkwood tree.
Do you see the grasshopper in the tree?!
I like this pair of trees on the grass facing the outdoor stage.
Such lovely flowers when you stop to examine them.  I like the carpet too.
I love our flag.  It got caught in the tree.
"This is my country, land of my birth..."
I love rocks. Here's one outside the entrance.
You can see the thorns here clearly.
And in the shadow, the thorny shrub looks soft and gentle.
A spotted Arum lily leaf in the glade.
A single purple flower.
Here it is again.
Goodbye until I visit again next week...

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