Saturday, February 28, 2015

And Down Came the Rain!

The umbrella contraption is to help the rain fall
not on the patio!

The black dustbin bags are to try and help keep the wood dry.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Best Laid Plans...

The dishwasher blinked "fault 30"  Bless Glenn for being able to find out what it is, and being able to mend it.  He manufactured a part that was cracked.  It took the whole morning.

Jane alerted me to the fact that my blog disappeared from the internet.  I 'read my computer screen' as one of my friends said, did what I thought was the  solution and in a few hours it was back online.

I was eating my lunch and felt like a stone in my mouth.  My tongue detected half of my tooth broke off.  To the dentist tomorrow.  Surprisingly I was able to eat supper tonight without the inside of my cheek being shredded!  Tender mercy!  I thought... "Better it needs attention now than when we are in England!"

These sorts of interruptions used to have me seriously frustrated!  Now, I just rearrange my life.  I actually enjoyed washing dishes for the last 24 hours...

I remember President Uchtdorf saying When there are speedbumps in the 'road' slow down!  That means a lot to me nowadays...  I think that would have helped me a lot when I was younger.  Better to learn that late... than never.

I'm glad I've learnt a lot that has made my life more bearable, more manageable, more enjoyable.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Doug's New House - Before...

The back (north) garden - neglected and very overgrown.
Some clearing work done so far by Doug's workers Sylvester,
and Ishmael (who now lives on this property)...
The missionaries also helped with some clearing on Monday.

Gutters overgrown on the back (north).
We also found a bee hive in or around the old chimney.

outside the back door into the garden on the north.

A gorgeous indigenous plumbago - needs some trimming, but worth keeping.

A lovely creeper.  I need to find out what it is.
Maybe it is worth keeping too.

The south facing front of the house.
The house will divide fairly simply into three units.

The existing bathroom needs some attention, but basically sound.

The three bedrooms each have the bare bones of a cupboard.
Two of the rooms carpets can be kept too.

This cupboard needs more attention, but basically sound too.

This is the main bedroom cupboard.
It will move to another room.
This will become a new lounge/diningroom.

This area will become a new bedroom.

lounge will become a living area.

The east driveway will be sorted out fairly easily... 

The west side garden.  Perhaps some potential here.

This house is worse than Phillips House in some ways,
better in other ways...
And we've learnt a LOT in the last... Eight years I think?
Third house in eight or nine years...
For the first one Doug needed financial partners,
for 27 Lys and now this one - also a few houses further down in Lys ave, 
he has managed to do all by himself. 
Well done Douglas!
You are gradually building prosperity.
I will watch the progress on this house with interest.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Storm Aftermath

Sand washed right across the road near the Botanic Gardens.

The rebuilt bridge at the Gardens clogged with debris.

The gabions on the lower side of the bridge sheared away from the bank.

A new fallen tree.

The waterfall much fuller than usual.

I slept right through the lightning, thunder and violently stormy night!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Patio Project 21st February 2015

Plants against the wall out.
Part of pool fence out.
Continuation of window sill done.


Friday, February 20, 2015

I'm So Glad You Told Me

One of my clients gave me this book to read a couple of years ago.
I read about a third of it.
Life and distractions happened.
The other night in my awake state I picked it up again.
I read and read.
I was comforted, I laughed and I cried.

Some quotes:

The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.
Remember every cloud has a silver lining... and sometimes a bolt of lightning.
Time wounds all heels.
There is always a bright side.  It may hide, but you WILL find it.
... sharing your grief is an essential step towards healing.
Where there's no control there's no responsibility.
Life is an adventure.  Hang onto your hat and scream for all you are worth.

If you ever need a dose of humour mixed with timeless wisdom - this will do nicely!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dessert Club

We enjoyed our Dessert Club last Friday at the Moffit's home.
There is always something interesting to notice there.
Rob is the cook.
Veronica is creative in decorating with ordinary things!
This is an artistic sculptural piece I noticed.
Logs and stones.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

State of the Nation Address

The uproar, discussion, protest and enquiry continue after last Thursday's State of the Nation address (SONA) by our President.  The various personalities are interesting to listen to.  I watch and listen with interest the continuing parliamentary activity regarding SONA.

We watched some of SONA last Thursday until we were tired and headed for bed.  There was about an hour delay with posturing and protesting and official action. I knew there would be rigorous discussion the next morning on the radio.  There was.  In the Saturday Star there was also some (what felt like intelligent) comment too.  The lively verbal and legal aftermath continues.

I take comfort in the fact that there are knowledgeable and concerned individuals and groups in those circles in a position to exert power and influence, who have the good of the country and our people as their motive.  God bless them. God bless us all as we work, co-operate and collaborate for good across nations, races, languages and cultures wherever we live in the world.

We have something worth working for with all our combined skill and diligence!

I learnt in a dream about eighteen years ago that there are people everywhere, in all situations and endeavours, of good and honest intent.  I don't need to know who they are.  I can trust them to be courageous and thoughtful.  They will act effectively when they need to.  I know when I happen to come into their presence, that I will recognise them and blend silently and actively into their cause (if they need me), strengthening them and their fellows.  I am satisfied that as I recognise them, they will recognise me too.  All I need to do is be ready as much of the time as I am able.

Sort of like a fireman, the police, the army, emergency personnel?  They are trained, they are ready for when the alarm is sounded, then they work together to attend to dealing with the incident.  After each springing into action they review, learn and plan. They also practice,  improve infrastructure, learn more and enjoy themselves.

I rest more peacefully with my experience in past times.  I trust I will know how to proceed personally every step along my way, every day.  I work at being prepared physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and hopefully in all other ways.  I yield to my impressions and the inspiration I receive at any given moment.  I love to observe those around me and practice discerning "who they (really) are" and responding appropriately.

In the meantime... I have my life to live every day.  I enjoy my life - most of the time!

Whatever happens... the sun will almost certainly rise again tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lovely Gardens

On the way back from getting a quote for the repair of my broken vent window I stopped at the Constantia Park NG church grounds where I go to be inspired in my own garden.
I appreciate the creative use of succulents, and the low maintenance emphasis.

I go to Weight Watchers on Saturday mornings at the
Weltevreden Dutch Reformed Church.
The grounds are large.
This time I took time to wander around the gardens and enjoy the attention to detail.

This is the part of the small chapel.

This is outside the large fan-shaped Chapel building.


You can see the small chapel behind the pillar.


I enjoyed my meanderings around the two Church precincts.
  I got some ideas about using succulents.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Productive Saturday!

Jarom came to visit and see the progress.

Dom came at just the right time to relieve me of helping Glenn to carry one of the boards.
Thanks Dom!
Attention to detail! 

The view from Doug and Nadia's back wall.