Saturday, February 14, 2015

Visiting Teaching and Life!

I walked out to get into my car.
Two shopping bags lying on the brick driveway...
Odd.  Perhaps I didn't notice them when I left the car yesterday.
Ahhhh... the back right hand vent window broken...
The back window wound down.
OK... What's the damage...
The ash tray pulled out and missing...  No great problem.
The GPS pried off the windscreen and lying between the seats...  Inconvenient.
The part that sticks to the windscreen is fixed on with silicon...
They couldn't get that shaved away.  (I struggled to get it off later!)
My plastic 'dustbin' bag contents strewn across the back seat... No problem.
About R15 in coins missing from between the two front seats... No problem.
The glove box open... Nothing missing.
Umbrellas next to the seats still there.
Map book and odd items under the seats still there.
I checked the boot.  Nothing missing there.
Can't go visiting teaching because I can't lock the car securely... that's a problem.
I wlaked back in to phone Julia and our Sisters.
I got to the front door,
then I thought "I am not going to let this stop me!"
I parked outside Tracy's home and got her to open her curtains so
I could "watch the car" through the windows while we visited her.
At Melanie's sister-in-law's home we pulled into the yard.
When we visited Annette in the evening I fetched Julia, parked at home,
and walked through to where she stays in her part of the house behind us.
Here is Tracy's daughter Blu trying to do her hair.
It was very sweet to watch.

Here's Melanie who is anxiously waiting to leave for England with her children.
Her husband Anthony is there already, waiting for her and their children to come.
They are just waiting for their children's visas.
She has since heard that visas are granted.  She leaves soon... Perhaps today?

I loved the trunk of this huge tree we sat under as we visited.  Gorgeous shade.

We have two morning visits and one evening visit.
I forgot to take a picture of Annette,
but here is the lovely cloud formation in the darkening sky
after I dropped off my companion, Julia, at her home...
I love to do my visits before the 20th of the month.
I haven't been able to be very diligent at that for what feels like a long time.
But, last month, this month, and we made appointments
for the 11th of next month,
so... perhaps we will make it three in a row and keep going
in better patterns for the rest of this year.
I was disturbed during Tuesday night.  I was wide awake at about 3am.
I went to my new 'space' - the entrance hall, put on the light
and read for a couple of hours.
I figure I likely disturbed the one/s bent on robbing my car?
We figured out they broke the vent window, wound down the door window,
crawled in through the open back door window and so
did not set off the alarm.
When I came home from Visiting Teaching I checked with Glenn and Doug.
Their vehicles not tampered with.
I acknowledge several "Tender Mercies."
For all Mercies I am very grateful.
Thursday morning I felt courageous enough to get my window attended to.
First quote R522.00.  Second quote R836.00.
I though "No man! Surely this can't be that much!" 
I wondered whether the cost of driving to where they replaced my windscreen
a while back would be worth the difference in cost -
opposite China Mall in City Deep area.
It was...
(This is their sign at their desk.)
In my case it was fast, and cheap and good...
R300.00 for the job and maybe 10 minutes.
Happy Day!  Car more secure again.
And my life carries on...
I am reminded again of how blessed I am
every single day that passes safely and without traumatic life-changing incidents!
Although... many little events are life-changing in their own way anyway.
Just not dramatically, painfully, expensively life-changing.
Not needing weeks, months and years to process and heal from.
God is so good, God is so good,
God is so good to me.
I'm grateful I listen to those who counsel me on ways to
a 'safer,' 'richer,' and more 'prosperous' life.
I'm glad I identify when I need to follow my own wisdom and inspiration.
Here's to LIFE!

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