Monday, February 9, 2015

Postal Strike and Loadshedding...

I ruefully laughed out loud when we received
  this Christmas card almost at the end of January.
I was glad to get it... 
Thanks for the card Dave and Gaynor.
It was posted on the 9th December in the USA.

I am reading magazines and processing postal items
of October, November and December last year
mixed with current postal deliveries...
Fortunately the more essential items I made arrangements
early in the six week I think? strike to receive by email.

This means...
so many less of my items rely on the post office...
Which means - if that is multiplied by how ever many others doing the same...
That much less work for post office employees,
which means - that much less need for bodies doing postal work,
which means...
what... were... the ones who called for the strike... thinking...? 
It seems to me our strikes result in mechanising more
and shedding workers when and however possible...
I understand we have a current bus strike.
If I were an affected commuter I think I would be very heartsore and frustrated.

And regarding the loadshedding...
I am always delighted for the opportunity to plop down and read,
or work along and listen to one of my portable radios.
And... I love candlelight.
And we have lamps for when we need more light,
and a smallish gas bottle cooker top for when we need to cook something.
I still use the same amount of electricity, I just use it in the times when we have supply.
I make sure my cell phone and tablet are charged sufficiently for my needs.
I am seldom inconvenienced.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday we had loadshedding from
6pm to 10 pm.

Friday night we sat, the three of us, and reminisced
about our childhoods and youth times.
It was interesting.
I thought how much we miss with electricity.

Saturday night was less comfortable for Vi,
she gets testy on occasion... and then it's less comfortable for us too.

Sunday night I invited Doug and Nadia and children for pancakes.
I thought that would be a diversion for Vi for some of the hours.
It was.  We enjoyed having them.  We always do.
This photo is at about 6pm.

We wish we could invite you too sometime!
Come back!
Or maybe we will move closer to you sometime...

After they left, Doug having started his generator for his business needs,
I got out my tablet, altered it's brightness (discovered I could! and how!)
and we spent an hour or so preparing the Sunday School lesson
for next Sunday.
We discussed the miracles Jesus performed so long ago,
and what they might bring to our consciousness now,
and what they could help us understand about His and His Father's
relationships with us
these many years since the miracles of Jesus happened.


As I have listened on occasion to those-who-know-more-than-I
constructively discuss such matters as strikes and loadshedding...

I have often thought...
"Surely - there - must - be - some - better - way?"
If I had a business relying on electricity -
knowing me - I would find a way to solve my problem.
I presume that is what some businesses are doing...
Ah well... and my little daily life carries on.

I trust there are those of intelligence, skill and goodwill,
and open to inspiration from on high,
in the spheres of labour relations and electricity supply
who will be going about their business of doing their bit
towards better human relations,
better co-operation and collaboration for the good of all.
(I am glad we don't need to travel at loadshedding times -
driving with no operating traffic lights is usually miserable!)
God grant me serenity...  courage... and wisdom...
And you too in whatever challenges invite you
to choose between becoming "better" or "bitter."

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