Thursday, October 8, 2015

Patio Project Progress

Whew!  It's been a BUSY week!

The work continues around the new back door.

Then we needed to burn some tree trimmings, so a fire was built on the empty vegetable patch.
The fire continued for most of the day.

I needed to do some shopping.  
When I saw this in Flora Centre I remembered the physical relief I felt 
when I was around our bright and vibrant colours again when we first came home.

The trench for the drainage for the new kitchen in the now-counselling room.

While we were away Doug cleared a congested sewer drain.
This (not the ring) is the root clog he took out.
We have cleared periodically the last couple of years.
Doug sorted out the problem and made new man-holes 
(you can see them in the picture above) at the point so 
we could easily get to any further problem.

The next day the ashes of the bonfire were still white hot.

I have had on my "want" list for years:
A dedicated tap at the back for the hose!
At last I am blessed to have it!

The new drain with pipes from the
dishwasher, the new basin and shower, the washing machine,
the old small bathroom basin and bath.

 Here you can see the new man-holes Doug made.
Thanks Doug! 

The beginnings of the trench for the drainage for the new kitchen.
You can see the bay window in our room on the left.

Beautiful pipe-work for the dishwasher done by Glenn
The dishwasher has moved to under the island in the kitchen.
You can see it in the second picture - behind the new back door.

This is the huge spider I found in the kitchen sink on Friday morning!
Gave me a startle!
I confined it to an up-turned plastic glass and tipped it out on the pavement shrubbery.

The side-drain from the new kitchen.
What a mission!
Glenn wanted it done properly.

 Ron and Pamela were here for the last weekend.
They are on their way to Australia to visit Shawn, Annie and Saffi.

Settling the pipe and filling in the trench on the east of the house.

While the whole system was open, Glenn replaced the joint to the main sewer.

The connected pipe.

The corner joint.
Glenn wants these pictures for reference.

The bay-window side pipe (East).

The new gulley for the new kitchen sink.

That back joint again.
You can see the new man-holes Doug built.

Glenn sorting out our bathroom connections to the sewer.

The new kitchen drain again.

 We had the two toilets draining into one pipe into the sewer.
Glenn has now separated them so they each drain separately.
This is the one for the small bathroom.

And all the while hot, hot days...
...And the clouds rolled in.  I wondered if we would have some rain.
No.  Only a few drizzles...  And a beautiful sunset on Tuesday evening.

Glenn is now working on the laundry roofing structure.
The new laundry will be on the concrete platform outside the new back door.
The new shower-bathroom will be in the space between the windows 
on the left of the picture and the platform.  Between the two doors actually.

I want to get another door like this, or one that will go with this one.
It will go between the two doors in the passage on the right and
to just the other side of the light switch on the right.
That is where the house will divide.
The door will open over the picture.
On the new apartment side there will be a solid board-wall
which can be removed if ever someone wants the two sides connected. 

Glenn is welding the structure that will attache to the wall above the door
and will help support the laundry roof.

So there you have what has been happening!
Tuesday I took a lady in our Ward to Pretoria where she is having
expert wound treatment for a wound that has been open on her leg for 13 years!
The doctor there is optimistic that the treatment will be successful.
Yvonne will be very happy if she doesn't have to
dress and care for her wound any more!
I will be relieved too!
So will Pamela!
I asked Pamela to look at her wound the last time Ron and Pamela were visiting.
Perhaps the time is right now for a miracle for Yvonne...
With the pro-bono expert wound treatment from the dear doctor in Pretoria.
Thank you Sharon (Larson) Courtelis for being an instrument in the process too.

I'm watering the garden...
I bet it will rain soon!

It's Spring holidays for the children...
I hear them swimming outside.

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