Saturday, February 6, 2016

Patio Project - Ready for the Ceiling!

All supports prepared to attach the ceiling.
This view to the west.

(Lovely promising clouds not visible through the glass ceiling.)

And the view to the east and the bathroom.
The preparing and final painting of the bathroom ceiling is now finished.
The dangly electrical cables are for the ceiling downlights to come.

Since there are no 'workmen' (most of the time) wandering around,
(except Ishmael and Sylvester periodically, who are used to us and we to them,)
Glenn works along quietly and steadily by himself most days,
all is actually proceeding most companionably.

To help collect the 'bits' on shoes before entering the kitchen
and the diningroom, I put these old sheets
at the two doors.  They really help.
I shake them off periodically and proceed with my part of our life peacefully. 

Beautiful work Glenn!

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