Monday, February 22, 2016

Soweto Stake Conference in Pimville

Lovely cool morning as we drove to the Sunday meeting.

When we drove to the Saturday afternoon meeting I so wished 
I had brought my camera.
So I was sure to have it with me Sunday morning.

Sprawling Soweto in the distance.
We drove through Soweto to the Pimville chapel.

Some light rain on our journey.

Reya Vaya (Rapid bus transit system)
station to our right.

A group of worshipers gathered in a large open space.
All dressed in white.
They looked lovely!

A group of new neat houses.

This is true.
It's also "It's not what you had, it's what you did, and do, with it" too.

The Pimville chapel.
We arrived an hour early
(have to take account of unforseen traffic on the journey
and also to get a seat where we like to sit,
the first row of the chairs in the hall.
We were fortunate!)

Our meeting under the direction of Area Seventy Elder Alfred Kyungu
(who lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo.)

I looked around at the standing-room-only Stake Conference crowd...
the chapel and hall filled to absolute capacity.
There were about 20 odd white faces 
- all but about six of us were senior couple missionaries.
A great experience! 
I felt neither like a stranger nor a foreigner.
I felt like we are all members of the household of God.

Some words from the Saturday afternoon meeting:

Our Stake President Thabo Lebethoa:
Love is not enough to sustain a marriage when the hard times come -
and they will come...
* Be in the habit of studying the scriptures together -
see things as they really are. 
* Keep the commandments -
live a happy, less complicated life.
* Have wholesome family activities -
keep them simple.  
They do not have to coast a lot of money.
What can I do to improve myself and my marriage?

Bishop George Shongwe (our Florida Ward Bishop):
Is the Gospel working for me?
Am I truly happy?
Are my efforts leading me to my highest spiritual goals?
Is the Gospel blessing my family?
* Simplify...
* Go back to the basics...
* Spend efforts lifting one another...
What must I do to change, so that the Gospel is working for me, for us?

Elder Alfred Kyungu, Area Seventy:
If we are not happy in our family,
it is our responsibility to change things so that we become happy.
Learn true principles that lead to happiness.
We have to do what we have to do to prepare and lead our families.
Our hearts need to be right.
The Church supports family.
(The Church does not replace your responsibility for your family.)
When you go to the Temple you are nice, kind, and polite...
Be that at home.
Bring those virtues, those qualities into our homes.
We are not dictators.
Let us council in family councils.
God did everything in councils.
If almighty God did everything in council,
why not us too?
Find your solutions in your family councils.
Create the habit of conversation.
Provide a home of sanctuary.
Have faith in Jesus Christ...
Establish a family, a home.

Some words from the Sunday morning meeting:

Our Stake President Thabo Lebethoa:
These are the fullness of times...
These are also perilous times...
You (youth [and us too, say I!]) are
intelligent, smart and have knowledge and understanding.
Your parents have what you do not have - experience of more years than yours.
Honour your father and your mother.
You (youth) have the programmes to help you:
Duty to God
Personal Progress
For the Strength of Youth
Learn to serve.
Learn to grow.
You have a sacred and noble purpose.
Form good personal habits.
Learn to know, and become, who you are.
Let your dress and appearance so "shine" 
that others may see who you are.
God will bless and protect you.
When you enjoy your entertainment and media,
remember, and be, who you are.
Study, ponder, and apply your seminary studies.
And to the parents:
Love and care for your children.
Engage, teach and instruct your children.
Learn, grow and become (the Godly parent/s Jesus Christ wants you to be.)

Young second counsellor in the Stake Presidency 
married 7 years, doesn't look old enough to be married! 
- I don't know his name:
Strengthen your faith and testimony.
Keep the Sabbath holy.
Improve your Sabbath worship.
Use your Sabbath to reflect.
The Sabbath was made for man - it is a gift from God, a respite.
Rest from the duties of the week.
It is a relief from the bondage of your daily life.
It is a "sign" between you and God.
What "sign" do you want to give to God?
Apply the Sabbath - experience the renewal of your personal peace.

New Stake Relief Society President (I don't know her name yet):
I should be retiring!  (She is an older woman).
Then I remember "Callings are to refine us."
I need refining.
Women are called by God to be wives and mothers.
Be faithful in your (Godly) calling.
Gain wisdom:  How do I prepare for and fulfill my Godly calling?
We are home-makers - we are never released.
Have a good influence at home.
We need "A style of our own."
Meekness, do good, be good.
Home is the honoured place of the woman.
Create a home of order, quietness and meekness.
Be dignified and worthy of our (Godly) role.
Home - a place of refuge.
Home - a place of love.
We wake up - not in our strength (not because we are strong in ourselves),
but because God wills it (because of His grace for us to live another day).
(I love that image in my mind!)

Area Seventy Elder Alfred Kyungu:
English is my fifth language.
If you look for faults, you will find them in me, in your local leaders.
We, they, are not perfect.
Trust your leaders.
Sustain them.
It (when you serve a mission) is not a game, it is a commitment.
There are those who say 
"Send them on a mission, that will straighten them out."
No! Be prepared.  Be qualified.
"This (a mission) is a place for people who want to work!"
We belong.
We have chosen (to join the church).
Take the decision to fix and heal.
We are living in a dark world...
but... WE must SHINE...
Hopefully when people see your light they will want to come closer.
Husbands and wives, honour your marital vows with complete fidelity.
Leave behind the distraction and confusion of the world.
Jesus came from His Father to heal the broken-hearted.
Be one who says
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." 
Jesus says "Peace... be still..."
Jesus is our advocate.
Take your time...
Prepare your hearts to receive.


The music was lovely.
The company was lovely.
I felt refreshed and determined to simplify
and trust and go forward 
with renewed and more directed faith and action.

I love our Stake President!
I enjoyed the ebullience (cheerful and quietly energetic manner) of Elder Kyungu.
(I see from facebook, he is soon to be released as an Area Seventy and
will be the new mission president of the (one of the?) DRCongo mission.)
I'm glad I got to be in the presence of his affable (friendly, easy to talk to) spirit. 
(Occasionally words come to my mind, and I think...
"I'm not sure I have chosen the right words..."
In the case of 'ebullient' and 'affable', the words are exactly right.)


Some scenes of our drive home.
The clouds had cleared and the day
continued with increasing heat around us
and peace... peace... peace...

A roadside building supplier and vehicle parts dealer.

I wondered why I had taken this picture...
Now I recall -
Remember those worshipers in white in a previous picture
on our way to our Conference meeting?
You can vaguely see them still there just left of the centre of the picture,
above the bridge railing, between the trees/bushes.

A primary school.

FAMSA (Family and Marriage Society of South Africa) Soweto branch.

Famous Regina Mundi Catholic Church.

These dwellings are divided into three units.
Some of the residents have built onto their part formally or informally.

This is a newish play park filled with children having a wonderful time.

Cattle grazing in the open areas.

A new development of town-houses.

I am grateful for my periodic journeys into Soweto.
I enjoy seeing the 'progress'
the growth, the ease of the people,
the increasingly un-surprised-ness of our presence there.

And we made our way home...
to delicious lunch with Vi,
(food I present is always delicious)
a quiet, reflecting, respite, worshipful, savouring-our-gift 
of our Sabbath given to us by our God. 

We enjoying watching 50/50 a local nature programme,
then studied our next Sunday School lesson number 8 -
"O, how great the goodness of our God."

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