Sunday, February 21, 2016

Service Auction!

This description below copied from my emails...

Last Saturday morning at our Relief Society Enrichment meeting we had a “Service Auction”
Organised by a young 30-ish returned missionary
(who served in Hollywood USA! born and brought up in the Eastern Cape)
Jade Mtembu – did you know her?
(She is one of the  glamourous ones, with loads of enthusiasm and creativity.)
I love being in her energetic and really thoroughly good presence.
In the weeks before we volunteered a service or more that we were prepared to do.
There were some ‘things’ too – like a dress, some shoes, some cupcakes etc.
These were all written on the board.

We had a questionnaire to fill in to begin the morning, which gave us points – our “currency”

Then the bidding began!
Great hilarity and excitement all around.
I was interested in the couple of children and babies present looking on wide-eyed!

I had 495 points as my currency.
I was only really interested in “A massage”.
I realised some of the other sisters were really keen to win it.
So, thinking I was blessed to be able to pay for one, I let it go.
Then I noticed – the young adult sister sitting next to me really wanted the pair of shoes size 6.
I decided if she ran out of points I would bid and get them and give the shoes to her.

Then I realised some of the sisters were really keen on for eg. Apple cake, a meal for a family etc
I started keeping a record of those and thought “I can do that for her, although she might be outbid here.”
So… as I can, I will do some of those little things for some of my Sisters who were sad to be outbid.

Interesting morning for me as a keen observer of people.
We will be doing another “Service Auction” later in the year.
It was ENORMOUSLY popular!
And great fun too!

I finished off with a slice of the most delicious cake – vanilla sponge with a middle filling of
caramel and fresh strawberries and bananas and a topping of fresh whipped cream.  Very tasty!
A good couple of hours interacting with my hilarious and energetic Sisters here.

I offered “Tea for Two” which was won by a sister whose company I will thoroughly enjoy.

You can perhaps see the items for auction listed on the board.
The lady leaning forward on the left is Neo Madela.
She and I will be going for Tea for Two.
We will enjoy ourselves!

The room filled up to overflowing with later arrivals.
A wonderful idea - thank you Jade!

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