Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Lovely Surprise!

When I went out to do Tai Chi this morning this lovely surprise 
I noticed first on Tuesday gladdened my heart.
This morning I noticed another one a little away from these.
Such glorious lilies.
Their name escapes me...
They were planted by the previous owners of our property.
They die away, and just make their way out of the ground
and bloom away for a couple of weeks.

I want to do gradual transformation of the garden into
more succulent and perennial.
If we ever want to be away for long periods,
I'd like to come back to a garden that has just
largely carried on in my absence.
I will definitely keep these!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Place Of Refuge and Refreshing

We have had some rain so all smells fresh.

I have wondered what they will do with these washed away gabions.
So far they have just left them as they are.
I see how the vegetation is just growing where it can.
The water at this point sounds particularly lovely
as it spills over the rocks and stones in its way.
I love to pause here and soak in the sound every time I come.

I took the canal walk yesterday.
I love the sound of the river below and the trickle of the canal in the foreground.

I don't often walk to the waterfall.
Yesterday I did.
I enjoyed this boiling point.
Mesmerising, soothing to watch and listen to.

I always come away from the Botanic Garden rejuvenated and renewed.
It has been a place of comfort, quiet and relative safety
for the past about twenty five life-filled years.
I know if I carve out two hours from the time I leave home
until the time I get back home, I will be a refreshed woman.
I often do necessary shopping on my way home.
Yesterday I decided to go to the hospital and visit Vi.
I found agitated and concerned Glenn and Brenda,
stupored, limp and wan Vi,
and John being a gentle support in the background.
The doctor who saw her in the morning ordered a drip.
Within five minutes of the drip flowing in, Vi began reviving,
her colour improved, and her eyes opened more.
By the time I left to attend to Doctor (gardener) and lunch
she was on the mend.
I saw a client in the afternoon so
visited again in the evening.
And she was back to herself.

Christmas Decorations Already!

Early October... Pick 'n Pay Princess Crossing.

Constantia Hyperama.

Do your stores have their decorations out yet?!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Vi in Hospital


Then an anxious and poorly responsive day today...
And this evening back to Monday's feistiness and wanting to come home! 

We are thankful!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Blue-ish Monday

Today I am struggling to be nice.
Most days it takes me a while.
I catch myself being impatient when I really would rather not be.
Every now and again I am over-exposed and need no company for a while.
Today is such a day.  I have lost my humour, my good temper, my imperturbability.
Time to take some time out...
Time to do what needs doing.Time to give myself what I need.
Time to find my humour, my good temper, my imperturbability.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Further News About Vi

Yesterday was a day of evaluation and waiting.
In the afternoon Vi went into the operating theatre to have her bone pinned and screwed.
Glenn spent a lot of time with his Mom.
I took Doug's workers to Dukes Court to finish off the work.
Then I came back to a luncheon with twelve others at the mission home.
After that I had an appointment with a couple of clients.
In the late afternoon I went down to Flora Clinic to find Glenn.
By this time Vi was in the operating theatre.
We had supper together at Flora Clinic, then came home and waited for the evening visiting hours.
Glenn went to visit Vi.
I stayed and did neglected laundry and tidying - keeping the 'home-fires burning.'
Vi came out of the operating theatre and was in great pain.
The surgeon was content with the surgery.
John and Brenda spent the day driving up from Amanzimtoti.
They arrived last evening and went straight to the hospital.
They were allowed to spend a little time with Vi.
And that was our day yesterday!

Later - Saturday:
After going to the Temple for the 7am session and discovering it was closed...
I enjoyed seeing the glorious Jacarandas all over.
Doug phoned and asked me to get his workers organised for the day.
Just as well I wasn't in the session!
I got Sylvester and Ismael preparing and painting the laundry windows at Phillips House.
John Brenda and Glenn went to Princess Crossing and did some shopping and had breakfast there.
We met up at the hospital for the morning visiting hour.
Vi was chirpy!
John said "She's fighting with the nurses... that means she's OK." Smile...
Almost no pain...
The Physiotherapist was with her.
I went off to attend to the workers again, they needed more putty.
Since the ICU only allows two visitors per patient, I left Glenn and Brenda with John along to visit this afternoon.

I am enjoying the cool breeze through the house on this hot afternoon.
More laundry to do.
Doug, Nadia and extended family are at Warmbaths for the weekend celebrating Ethan's birthday.
This is our General Conference Viewing Weekend, so I will watch some at home.
(We recorded the sessions on the weekend of the Conference,
As well as watching Saturday morning (Our 6pm) and Sunday morning (Our 6pm) sessions live.)
In the meantime we have watched one and a half of the afternoon sessions in the intervening weeks.

The Doctor says Vi is moving to the regular ward Tomorrow, and may be coming home Wednesday.

Friday, October 24, 2014

More About Vi

She was in her flat on her own.
She stumbled somehow in the bathroom.
She lay for a while... trying all her best to raise someone, us, the grandchildren...
Glenn went to spend some time with her.
He saw the bathroom door was closed.
He went back again, maybe a couple of times.
Eventually her heard her saying "Help!  Help!"
He went in, saw her crumpled on the floor against the toilet.
She said "Lift me..."
He said "I will go and call Judy to help me..."
I was busy in our bedroom.
We went and carefully lifted her - she was in great pain.
We gently carried her to the spare bedroom next door to hers.
I said "We need to call an ambulance to take her to the hospital or the doctor."
We decided the hospital.
I said "Mom, would you like Glenn to give you a blessing?"
She said "Yes."

I left them to go and phone for an ambulance.
I decided to phone Flora Clinic, they put me through to ER 24.
After asking sensible questions he said he's send an ambulance.
A short while later two young paramedics arrived in a lights flashing, siren blaring ambulance.
They were so good with Vi and with us too.
They assessed the situation and called for a pain specialist to come and administer morphine.
They bandaged the wound on her elbow, made her comfortable, and inserted an IV drip.
I phoned Brenda to let her know.
I sms'd Douglas.
The pain specialist came a little later and was also so good with Vi.
She added morphine to the drip.
When the pain dulled the two lifted her onto a board and onto the wheeled stretcher.
By this time it was raining seriously.
I fetched two large umbrellas and we made our way to the ambulance parked under the carport.
Doug arrived.
They settled her, and off the pain specialist and the ambulance paramedics went taking her to Flora Clinic.
Glenn drove down separately and stayed with her in the Emergency area.
I washed the bloodied things, made supper for Glenn and took it to him.
By that time Vi looked calm and comfortable enough.
Glenn had supper (sandwich and juice).
The porter arrived to take her to x rays.
Off Glenn and Vi went down the passage.
I noticed Glenn was in his short sleeved shirt.
It had been raining and was cool.
Not knowing how long he would be there, I drove home, fetched a fleece and took it back to him.
As I walked in again, Glenn and Vi were returning to the Emergency area from x rays.
I handed Glenn his fleece, and feeling like there was no more I could do, I came home.
I didn't know how long Glenn would be.
He finished his choc chip cookies earlier in the day, so I decided to make him a batch while I watched Top Billing.
By that time it was late so I sms'd Glenn and said I was going to bed.
Doug sms'd "Any news?"
I said "Not yet."
Glenn sms'd back to say he was just leaving.
By the time he got home I was dead asleep - I hadn't slept well the night before.

This morning we talked some more.
Vi is in the surgical ICU opposite the x ray department I gather.
I gather she has weights attached to her injured leg.
I gather she has broken her "small femur"
I gather that is the top of the top bone of her leg.
The specialist will be visiting today to assess.

More later...

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Vi fell this afternoon.
We called the paramedics.  They were lovely!
They stabilised her and she is now at Flora Clinic Emergency.
Glenn is with her.
I am off to take Glenn some supper.
When I know more I will let you know.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Start of a Busy Week

Monday afternoon we went to the SABC.
We applied to be part of the audience for a recording of a Noot vir Noot episode.
Yesterday was the day!
It was an interesting experience!
We clapped lots!
We smiled lots!
We were there for the recording of two episodes due to be aired in February.
Having been there, I will be interested to see how they actually air them.
Johan Stemmet is like we see him on TV for me.
This is the SABC building we went to.
Entrance 7.

These banners were on the side of the building where we parked.
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall."
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats it's children."

This morning I went to Tai Chi at the Botanic Garden.
My Mother has been dead more than 20 years.
When I see small flowers, I think of her...
I thought of her this morning several times when I saw small flowers.

I watched the masked weavers building their nests over a calm part of the river.

I sat on a bench before Tai Chi.
I was surprised to see this tortoise settled about three meters away from me - unafraid...

I enjoyed watching these Guinea Fowls, also unafraid.

More small flowers reminding me of my Mother.

And today is Ethan's 13th birthday!
They came across for a swim this afternoon.
My car I bought from my Dad is serviced...
Dermatologist tomorrow...
Hair this week, and on and on...
I feel blessed.
I am blessed!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Lazy and Last Minute...

I just read over my dialogue submission for my writing group early this morning.

I realised more editing was needed.  I did it.

I often write my pieces the morning I am going.  Then I read them aloud and edit as I go along and hand them in.

I know I would do better by leaving them a couple of days after that and then re-read and re-edit.

I sometimes wonder if I will ever change?  I think I am making progress in many ways... perhaps as I persist in this the particular transformation, conversion will continue until I find that indeed I AM more disciplined, less lazy and last-minute as I put down in words what I want to convey.

This is my bowl of seeds I have collected from all over the world.  It is in the middle of the dining-room table when I don't have fresh flowers there.  The two light coloured little dainty seeds in the middle ground left hand side are the ones I collected at Constantia Park when I was there on Friday.  I love my seed collection!  Good memories of many years.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Four Fast Friends - Most of the Time

(an exercise in dialogue for my writing group.)


“Gonnatjie Piet!” muttered Judith under her breath.

Judy quietly got along with the work of clearing clutter on the back seat of her car.
She placed her bag on the floor, her file on the seat, lowered herself into the driver’s seat and we were off to Weight Watchers this crisp Friday morning.

 “I don’t want to go!” Judaline whimpered.
“It’s time…“ Edie murmured.
“Time for reckoning,” agreed Judith firmly.

Judy turned on the car radio for some distraction during the journey.
“My favourite programme at this time of the morning… Radio Pulpit.” 

“Morning.”  Judy mouthed noiselessly as she walked into the group attentively listening to Laurie the new young Weight Watchers leader.   She pulled a chair quietly  from the table against the wall, turned it around and joined the group. 

“It’s all about the points.  You can eat anything you want as long as you stay within your points.  I have a challenge at four o’clock in the afternoon.  I reach for…”  Judy’s mind wandered…  

“I reach for raisins…” Judy thought.
“No you don’t!  You reach for choc chip cookies!” Judith interrupted.

“But I love them!  They are my weakness!  I can’t resist them!  I need their comfort at that time of the afternoon.  I enjoy the crunch, the sweetness.”  moaned Judaline pitifully.  “In any case – I want them.  I can reach them.  I will have as many as I like.”  She continued, her voice shifting and transforming into petulant rebellion. 

Laurie said “What do you reach for in the afternoon?” as her beautiful clear blue eyes glanced around the circle.  They stopped on Judy.  Laurie's eyes conveyed “You are the life-time member here.  Help us along…” 

“I reach for raisins… or dates.”  Judy mildly added to the group conversation.  There were surprised looks from some, bemused looks from others.  Judy could almost see some minds clicking and calculating “That’s so many points!”  Judith, Judaline and Edie linked arms supportively as Judy said her good-intention piece.  “This used to be honest.  It can be again…” 

The weigh in…

“How are you doing Judith?” asked Laurie when Judy approached the table.  She had moved from  motivating mode to the now departing group, to interested and concerned Weight Watchers leader talking to Judy personally. 

“Interesting that she calls me Judith.”  Judy thinks. 
“Actually I am Judith.”  Judith replies.  

“Not well this month.”  Judy says to Laurie.
“Well, let’s see.”  Laurie clicks on the scale.

“It’s good!”  she exults.
“No it’s not.”  Judy says quietly.  “See the last figure from last month?  There…”

“Oh yes.  I was looking at the previous figure…  So… not done so well this last month.  Come next week,”  her lovely eyes urge.  “Come every week while you get on track again…”   Laurie looks deep into Judy's eyes. 
“I can’t be here early enough Friday mornings…  I can only get here at nine.”  Judy speaking frustratedly, her body twisting and her haunted frown deepening. 
“I am here until nine thirty.  Come.” Laurie still looking intently into Judy's eyes – young beautiful blue eyes into Judy’s older blue eyes.  Edie stirs.
Judy nods tentatively. 

Judy walks thoughtfully and humbly out of the meeting place.
“My life is unmanageable…  I can’t do it.   He is offering (again) to help.  He can.  I’ll let Him...” she recalls from her addiction recovery group
“Is this my moment of ultimate surrender?”  Who is that speaking…? 
Is there a moment of complete surrender?  Is it not a continuous process of letting go and giving up what YOU want?”  Who is that?
Judy notices Judaline is quiet in this part of the conversation. 

“I know I can’t go home.  I am too fragile…  I feel tearful.” 

“Why do I do this to myself?” 
“Because I can…”
“You know you are harming yourself…  Why do you want to do that?”
“Where do you want to go?”
“To the Botanic Garden.  I want some peace and quiet.  I want a place I can cry remorsefully.”
“Watch your petrol budget… you’ve been driving a lot these last few days.”
“You can use as much petrol money as you like!”
“Yes I can.  But I don’t want to.”
“That’s too far then.  Where…?”
“I just want some beauty, peace and quiet.”
“What about Constantia Park?”
“That’s on the way home.”
“The river runs through it.  You know you need the sound of running water at times like this.”
“It’s a beautiful place…”
“That will do.” 

And they  are off.  They drive the short distance.  Onto the highway, leave at the next off-ramp, take the slipway into Constantia Office Park.  Over the humps.  Through two stop streets.  Away from the buildings.  Away from humans. 

“I wonder if the people who work here realise how beautiful this is?”
“I don’t care.  I know how beautiful, how gloriously beautiful it is.” 

As Judy turns the last corner to where she will park beneath the trees she takes a deep and thankful breath.  Her breath is also poignant and tender.  "This reminds me of Northern Ireland.  The green green green.  Many, many bitter-sweet memories of visiting Gillian and her family when they lived in Northern Ireland.  Oh, how I miss the glory of Northern Ireland…” 

The spring/early summer green of the leaves is stunning and vivid with the morning sunshine filtering through the willows and other mature trees surrounding the river park. 

Judy stops and switch off her car. 

“You wanted to cry.  Now’s your chance.”
“I want to read Habakkuk.  Radio pulpit was discussing it on the way to Weight Watchers.  I want to read it again… now.”
“I love that I have the scriptures on my phone!”
“Remember your battery was low.  Perhaps you won’t have enough battery power.  Remember how it used to run out frequently when you relied on it for scriptures  in the UK?”
“There are only three chapters…  Perhaps it will be enough juice for now.  You can watch the icon.” 

Judy read.  

“I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.”    2:1  “I will…”

“For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”  2:14  “Hasten the Day!” 

“But the Lord is in his holy temple:  let all the earth keep silence before him.”  2:20  “Judy, are you hearing that?!” 

“O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid:  O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.”  3:1 “Oh, yes, please…” 

“Yet will I rejoice in the Lord.  I will joy in the God of my salvation.  3:18  “I want so to do that…” 

The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon my high places…”  3:19  “”That’s my deep desire…” 

And so as inner peace increased within me,  my voices and I left the cloister of my car with the splendid views of the sunlight glistering through the gracefully trailing willow branches. 

“The sound of the water is so soothing.”
“It’s not as tidy as we left it last time we were here with Daena and Cabryn.” 

(On Mandela day this year Judy took two of her granddaughters Daena (11) and Cabryn (9) and they did our at-least 67 minutes’ service here.  They collected the litter at Constantia park, bagged it and disposed of it.  They left the area pristine and sparkling.  Then they settled down and had a lovely picnic Judy had put together for them.) 

“The breeze feels so lovely.”
“The warm sun is comforting.”
“Shall we walk across the river on the stepping stones?”
“Yes, lets!”
“Careful… oh…, the stones are firmly fixed.”
“Shall we sit here?” 
“This seat is actually chilly.  It shouldn’t be!  It is wood!”
“Well it is.  Let’s walk some more. “
“Shall we walk over the bridge there?  We haven’t been that far before.”
“Haven’t we?  Didn’t we go there when you were working here 14 years ago?”
“I don’t remember…  Anyway, let’s walk across the bridge.  It looks lovely.”
“Oh, (before we get as far as the bridge) here is a pond – “
“With no water in it.  Why do they make this nice pond and not let it fill up with water.  The water is just flowing in the one side and flowing out the drain.  Shouldn’t there be some sort of valve that regulates the flow?  Why is this left like this?”
“I wonder why there are two parallel curved concrete walkways around the pond?”
“There are four pairs of these walkways around the pond.  I wonder who designed this?”
“I like them.  Quirky.  I like quirky.”
“Which one will I walk over?  The left one or the right one?”
“It doesn’t matter.  Choose any one.”
“These look like they could carry the wheels of a car….but the turning circle would not accommodate a car.  How would a car get here anyway?  The p[ath to here is not wide enough for a car.”
“Just walk, Judy.  Choose a bridge walkway and walk…”
“There, you did it!”
“I like the lines of the bridge over the river.”
I like the design of the whole water feature directing the flow of the river all the way.”
“Kodak Moment!  Let’s take a photo!  Let’s record this!” 

Judy stopped and took a photo.
As she walked across the bridge: 

“What’s that underneath my feet?”  Look down…
“Bolt heads fixing each wooden beam.  Nothing to worry about.  Nice design!  Strong.” 

Sometime along the bridge Judy's voices and entities flowed into each other and we became one.

I enjoyed the warmth of the sunshine, the shade, the breeze, the quiet, the sound of the water, the rustle of the leaves, the trimmed shrubbery “I bet someone enjoyed doing this!”  the sound of my meandering steps on hard and soft underfoot. 

I passed some walkers.
“Wow!  Lovely colours of trainers they are wearing!”
“Yes… I hope they are also enjoying the wonderful surroundings.” 

I make my way to my car.

I feel peaceful and appreciative, co-operative and collaborative again.
Now I am in a state to go home. 

“The next few months will be a time for vigilance and diligence.”
“We can do it…  We have done it before.”
“We need to do it.  We promised ourselves this.”
“I’m in!  Thanks for this morning!”
“We will feel more joyful, peaceful, and be healed to a greater extent as we work at this.”
“And we will go to Weight Watchers next week, and for as long as it takes.”
“Yes we will.”

 I'm going to make one of these my laptop wallpaper.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Last For The Year

Last Seminary class for the year...
I was grateful to be invited.
I handed over teaching when Glenn retired.
The new students for next year came too -
Do you see Jarom there?! (Second row right)

I was glad to see the pictures of The Saviour and The Brethren again.
I have been blessed by teaching in their presence.
Teaching Seminary has been a blessing in my life.
Thank you all those many who make it possible:
(I've probably left some out...)
Curriculum writers, review panels, artists, designers,
printers, packers, postal staff,
local ecclesiastical and Seminary and Institute leaders,
parents, teachers,
and it is all for our youth students!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

When The Wind Blows...

When I was Akela with the cub pack in our Sandton Ward we knew when the wind blew that we would have unsettled boys.

Today the wind has been blowing.  I am unsettled!

I thought "What is the gift along with this irritation in my life today?" 

My wind chimes in the apricot tree outside my kitchen window!   I felt chirpier.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Walter Sisulu Botanic Garden

I so enjoyed the Botanical Garden yesterday.
I especially loved the kiss of the breeze wafting past my face.
I enjoyed hearing the trees rustling.
I enjoyed breathing the fresh air.
It was really good to be there.
I know I do better when I make the time, take the time, to go there every week.

I love the new green all around.  I am thirsting for the rains to come!
In the picture below I loved the beauty of the dead and decaying with
the young and alive alongside.

I always enjoy seeing one of the tortoises in the garden.
This is one of the younger ones.

I also enjoyed our Tai Chi group. 
When I go to the class several of the participants want me to take the lead.
I don't want to do that. 
I take the lead in a lot of areas of my life.
In this Tai Chi area I know I am like the blind leading the blind.
I do the best I know...
but!  I do not go to a reliable source to keep authentic input.
I agreed to work with one of the 'younger' ones
- she in the front, and me at the back.
That worked well. 
When we faced the one way she was the lead, when we turned around I was the lead. 
I was comforted afterwards to know she goes to the class
of the man who started our group about... twenty years ago?
I have been going to the class about 14 years. 
Fresh in-put there from an authentic practitioner. 
I can live with that!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Just For Today...

Just for today...

I will take some Time Out Of Time.
I will slow right down. 
I will enjoy the sound of the river.  I will let it soothe my soul.
I will enjoy the sunlight.  I will let it's warmth penetrate right to my core.
I will smell the fresh fragrance of shrubs and trees.
I will enjoy colours and the sight of rocks and flowers.
I will savour the flavours I taste.
I will remember the day on which this photograph was taken.

Tomorrow and each day I will choose one of these to reflect on and apply.

Just for today, I will try to live through this day only,
 and not tackle my whole life problem
 at once. I can do something for twelve hours
 that would appal me if I felt that I had to
 keep it up for a lifetime.   

 Just for today, I will be happy. This assumes to
 be true what Abraham Lincoln said, that
 "most folks are as happy as they make up
 their minds to be."            

 Just for today, I will try to strengthen my mind.
 I will study. I will learn something useful.
 I will not be a mental loafer. I will read
 something that requires effort, thought and

 Just for today, I will adjust myself to what is,
 and not try to adjust everything to my own
 desires. I will take my "luck" as it comes,
 and fit myself to it.            

 Just for today, I will exercise my soul in three
 ways: I will do somebody a good turn, and
 not get found out. I will do at least two
 things I don't want to--just for exercise.
 I will not show anyone that my feelings are
 hurt; they may be hurt, but today I will not
 show it

 Just for today, I will be agreeable. I will look
 as well as I can, dress becomingly, talk low,
 act courteously, criticize not one bit, not
 find fault with anything and not try to improve
 or regulate anybody except myself.

 Just for today, I will have a program. I may not
 follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will
 save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.

 Just for today, I will have a quiet half hour all
 by myself, and relax. During this half hour,
 sometime, I will try to get a better perspective
 of my life.

 Just for today, I will be unafraid. Especially I
 will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful,
 and to believe that as I give to the world, so
 the world will give to me.

Thank you Kenneth L Holmes - Al-Anon

And thank you for these additional ones Mary Shearer - The Natural Way:

Just for today I will take care of my body. I will exercise it, care for it, nourish it, not abuse or neglect it, so that it will be a perfect machine...

Just for today I will not be afraid to be happy, to love, and to believe that those I love, love me."

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fruitful Friday

The baths, toilets and basins re-enamelled,
The parquet floor stuck down,

Dessert club at our home,
Pasta evening:  Chicken Shells, Tuna and Pasta and Macaroni Cheese.

And I found my favourite knife!
It was in the sink dish-dryer - in plain sight!
I have been looking for it a couple of days.
We bought it about 40 years ago with a life-time guarantee
which I doubted...
I use it at least once a day.
I gave it a kiss when I found it before my very eyes.
I said to Glenn
"I will ask Rohan and Colleen whether they took it with them somehow,
before I mourn the loss of my favourite knife..."
It wasn't long after that that I turned around... and there it was!
Maybe it is time to look at current knives...

Friday, October 10, 2014

Joy - A Good Reminder!

I hope we all Free some Joy today...
Chocolate doesn't do it for me, it usually leaves me feeling down.
But hey... I will take some moments to Free my Joy!

I took my trip yesterday to have breakfast with my friend.
I saw this billboard along my journey.

At present, while they sort out their muddle e-toll story
we are able to just avoid the toll roads.
There are public debates and government panels
having lengthy and hopefully fruitful in-depth discussions.

Having been stung by the system as it is, and not going there again
we (are able to) choose roads we used to take before the toll roads were there.
I love to see how the areas around us have developed and matured.
Talking of Joy... I remember this article.
I try to live this way:
Ah, There You Are! 
I misplaced my joy this morning.  I woke up to find it missing like a set of lost keys.  I started looking for it everywhere.  I looked for it in the morning paper.  It wasn’t there.  I looked for it in my books.  It wasn’t there.  I looked for it in some music.  It wasn’t there.  I looked for it while I ate breakfast, got the kids ready for school, and headed out the door this morning, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. 
When I finally got back home I decided to take a walk.  I thought that if I couldn’t find my joy then at least I could get some exercise.  The last leaves of Autumn were thickly covering the ground.  I walked for a while on this beautiful, crunchy carpet and breathed in the fresh, cool air.  It was so peaceful and wonderful.  After walking for a bit I stopped and smiled.  I suddenly knew where to look.  I glanced down and saw my joy peeking up at me from deep inside my soul.  It had been sitting there right next to my love and God’s love just waiting for me to find it.  “Ah, there you are,” I said.  Then I laughed at myself for not knowing where to look all along.
It is amazing how we so often look for joy in every single place except the only place where it can truly be found, within ourselves. 
We are like the person running around searching for the glasses that are perched on the top of his head.  We need to stop the search. 
We need to look deep into our souls and see the joy that has been sitting there all along.  It isn’t hidden and it isn’t hard to find.  It is there shining brightly right next to God’s love and our love.  It is just waiting for us to smile down and say, “Ah, there you are.”
Reach down and grab that joy today.  Choose it, rejoice in it and live in it.  Take it along with your love and God’s love and share it with the world.  And if you ever misplace it again remember where to look for it first.
Joe Mazella

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Devil of a Job

At last the paper-work for the water damage at Dukes Court is properly done.
I decided rather to have two teams work on one day.  I thought it would be better than one team on one day and the other on another day - disturbing our tenants more days.
Good in one way, and a bother in another.
Anyway it all worked out well enough yesterday.
As it happens we still need to be there today and tomorrow too.

Glenn and Sylvester worked at replacing the lifted wooden blocks in part of the passage.

Ishmael was stripping the loosened paint on the one bathroom ceiling.
The ceiling and walls of the other bathroom have previously been done by Doug and his team.

Sylvester and Ishmael work for Douglas.  He is the contractor responsible for the restoring of the wall and floor damage - results of a serious leak from the flat above.

Glenn and I were there to add a precise eye and an aesthetic eye.
And also... I really wanted to see how the mend-a-bath application was done.

The one bath "before" - both of them really needed doing!

The bath "during..."  a powerful paint stripper was generously applied.
Jonas from mend-a-bath was working on this.

The other bath "during..."

The pink bathroom basin "during"

Then, because Jonas was working on the baths, Ishmael joined Sylvester with the wooden blocks.

This is Jonas working away.  He works excellently.  He was a pleasure to watch.  I love watching someone who is good at their work and does it well!
After the bubbled paint is removed, the whole surface is thoroughly cleaned, chips are repaired with epoxy, dried, and then acid wash is applied to prepare for the paint application.  This is then dried.

The bath looks so good... but the surface was now compromised in preparation for the re-enamelling.

From the main bedroom into the one bathroom.  A lot of little parquet flooring blocks had to be re-stuck down.  Because of the water the last of the wet and dried blocks needed to be shaved a little or a lot to fit in.

Jonas masked off the baths, the one basin and one toilet.  The other basin and toilet will be done on Friday.

We each paused for lunch and a break along the way...

The spraying on of the enamel coat was potently fumey.  I felt sorry for our lungs.  Jonas had a sophisticated mask on.  I was glad.  He has been doing this for 19 years. 

Douglas came to inspect the progress and took Sylvester for another job, I then became Ishmael's assistant on the floor. 

When Jonas started spraying it was "let's leave the floor and find a place where there is some fresher air!"

I found a fan and positioned it to direct some air out into the passage towards the open front door.

Glenn and one or two of Doug's workers go again this morning to work on the floor, and I go again on Friday when Jonas will come and do the other basin and toilet.

A devil of a job!    Two of them.  The sort that when it needs to be done you hunker down and press forward and onward, and when it is done you cheer!

I took along three books and read from one and then the other throughout the day before I got to helping Ishmael in the afternoon.  It was a nuisance to Sylvester and Ishmael on the floor to get past them in the passage.

I took some time during the day too to be still and reminisce.  This is where our Dad lived for about seven years (Glenn and I worked it out last night - maybe we are a little or a lot off.  Probably five years at least.)

I remember visiting Dad and Sister Anna there.  I am glad to have had the time to be there and do some more finishing off of any business that might be unfinished somewhere inside the depths of me.

One day down... probably the worst... two more to go.
The one bathroom still needs the floor replaced at a future date.  A new cupboard arrangement also has to be placed in that bathroom.   I am not sure when Doug has that in his schedule of work.
I will post pictures of the "after" in due time.