Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Place Of Refuge and Refreshing

We have had some rain so all smells fresh.

I have wondered what they will do with these washed away gabions.
So far they have just left them as they are.
I see how the vegetation is just growing where it can.
The water at this point sounds particularly lovely
as it spills over the rocks and stones in its way.
I love to pause here and soak in the sound every time I come.

I took the canal walk yesterday.
I love the sound of the river below and the trickle of the canal in the foreground.

I don't often walk to the waterfall.
Yesterday I did.
I enjoyed this boiling point.
Mesmerising, soothing to watch and listen to.

I always come away from the Botanic Garden rejuvenated and renewed.
It has been a place of comfort, quiet and relative safety
for the past about twenty five life-filled years.
I know if I carve out two hours from the time I leave home
until the time I get back home, I will be a refreshed woman.
I often do necessary shopping on my way home.
Yesterday I decided to go to the hospital and visit Vi.
I found agitated and concerned Glenn and Brenda,
stupored, limp and wan Vi,
and John being a gentle support in the background.
The doctor who saw her in the morning ordered a drip.
Within five minutes of the drip flowing in, Vi began reviving,
her colour improved, and her eyes opened more.
By the time I left to attend to Doctor (gardener) and lunch
she was on the mend.
I saw a client in the afternoon so
visited again in the evening.
And she was back to herself.

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