Friday, October 24, 2014

More About Vi

She was in her flat on her own.
She stumbled somehow in the bathroom.
She lay for a while... trying all her best to raise someone, us, the grandchildren...
Glenn went to spend some time with her.
He saw the bathroom door was closed.
He went back again, maybe a couple of times.
Eventually her heard her saying "Help!  Help!"
He went in, saw her crumpled on the floor against the toilet.
She said "Lift me..."
He said "I will go and call Judy to help me..."
I was busy in our bedroom.
We went and carefully lifted her - she was in great pain.
We gently carried her to the spare bedroom next door to hers.
I said "We need to call an ambulance to take her to the hospital or the doctor."
We decided the hospital.
I said "Mom, would you like Glenn to give you a blessing?"
She said "Yes."

I left them to go and phone for an ambulance.
I decided to phone Flora Clinic, they put me through to ER 24.
After asking sensible questions he said he's send an ambulance.
A short while later two young paramedics arrived in a lights flashing, siren blaring ambulance.
They were so good with Vi and with us too.
They assessed the situation and called for a pain specialist to come and administer morphine.
They bandaged the wound on her elbow, made her comfortable, and inserted an IV drip.
I phoned Brenda to let her know.
I sms'd Douglas.
The pain specialist came a little later and was also so good with Vi.
She added morphine to the drip.
When the pain dulled the two lifted her onto a board and onto the wheeled stretcher.
By this time it was raining seriously.
I fetched two large umbrellas and we made our way to the ambulance parked under the carport.
Doug arrived.
They settled her, and off the pain specialist and the ambulance paramedics went taking her to Flora Clinic.
Glenn drove down separately and stayed with her in the Emergency area.
I washed the bloodied things, made supper for Glenn and took it to him.
By that time Vi looked calm and comfortable enough.
Glenn had supper (sandwich and juice).
The porter arrived to take her to x rays.
Off Glenn and Vi went down the passage.
I noticed Glenn was in his short sleeved shirt.
It had been raining and was cool.
Not knowing how long he would be there, I drove home, fetched a fleece and took it back to him.
As I walked in again, Glenn and Vi were returning to the Emergency area from x rays.
I handed Glenn his fleece, and feeling like there was no more I could do, I came home.
I didn't know how long Glenn would be.
He finished his choc chip cookies earlier in the day, so I decided to make him a batch while I watched Top Billing.
By that time it was late so I sms'd Glenn and said I was going to bed.
Doug sms'd "Any news?"
I said "Not yet."
Glenn sms'd back to say he was just leaving.
By the time he got home I was dead asleep - I hadn't slept well the night before.

This morning we talked some more.
Vi is in the surgical ICU opposite the x ray department I gather.
I gather she has weights attached to her injured leg.
I gather she has broken her "small femur"
I gather that is the top of the top bone of her leg.
The specialist will be visiting today to assess.

More later...

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