Tuesday, December 23, 2014

More about the Menu's...

(For the life of me I couldn't figure out how to add comments to my copy and paste of the Menu Plan I posted yesterday.  So... here are my comments.)

A few weeks ago I said to Glenn "I am bored with my menus.  Time to make a new list."
As usual, he didn't have much to say...

A little while later he came to me with the bones of this menu plan.

I juggled and refined and I am now enjoying this new way of "What do I cook for supper tonight?"

I attached the main plan to some cardboard and presticked it to my kitchen cupboard.  I also attached each week to it's own little piece of cardboard, and I take out the following one close to the end of the week and prestik it where I can see it easily.  If I need special items I can shop for them and be prepared on the day.

I serve salad and vegetables with virtually every meal.
When the six weeks is over I just start again.

Happy "What's for Dinner to you..."

Blessed "Preparing for Christmas to you!"


  1. Thank you for posting this. I really dislike thinking of things to cook each day.

    1. Hi Ruby.... you are welcome. Glad it is some use to you.
