Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Isle of Wight Final Week

So sweet...
Cheryn was changing Emily's nappy,
Isaac was gently holding her head.

Emily has grown!
She is a dear little baby.

Glenn spent a lot of time figuring out where the fault was.
The electricity were tripping out intermittently...

By this time his knees were sore so he worked lying on his side in the loft area. 

Friday evening Glenn and Patrick were still busy with the electricity problem that 
turned out to be three problems that happened to appear to be one.

Samuel and Isaac were somewhat poorly so when they were asleep
Angela and I joined Pete, Zeek, Rachel, Corbin, Cheryn and Emily and
six or eight other adults, all but one of whom I didn't know, and three other children.
Pete prepared a beach potjie at Fort Victoria beach.

What a particularly special evening for me at the beach sitting around the campfire
and telling stories and having meaningful conversations.
The tide was lapping in, approaching the campfire.
In Pete's temporary absence
I started the precarious move of the fire to higher, safer, beach sand.
By the time we left the in-coming tide was licking the embers
in the previous place the campfire was situated.
I'm sure Pete had no intention of being at the site so late.
Circumstances developed and so it turned out to be.
An unexpected and very special evening for me. 

We hardly saw much of Roxanne and Vincent this visit.
They were in and out about their Young Adult business.

This is a sign at Samuel's class room.

Saturday afternoon we took Samuel and Isaac to a friend's birthday party at Shanklin.


And after the party we strolled to the beach to de-stress
from the noise and the psychedely (my word)

This was on the way to the beach.

On the beach across the road from Jungle Jim's.

I liked seeing Angela's hair flying in the breeze.
She is going to have it cut and donate it for wigs.
She is truly a good woman in many, many ways.

 Guess whose toes?

Do you see these little toes?

I went for a beach stroll.

And back again to the sand-play.

Samuel wandered off.

Lovely almost two hours on the beach after Jungle Jim's.

  Bless Angela... she puts the last of the sandwiches out for the sea gulls.


Yesterday (Monday) we went to Bebe-Chinnos with Isaac
before fetching Samuel a little later.

I saw this sign in one of the home doorways on the way back from there!
I had a good giggle.

We fetched Samuel.
I stayed in the car and enjoyed seeing these berries.
I also enjoyed a feast of blackberries again!

Cheryn visited for the last time beinging Emily.
Here is Kieran feeding her as they were about to leave in the evening.

The lounge has curtains!
Glenn put up the rails.
Dianne found the curtains on free-cycle.
I adapted the curtains to fit.

The laundry has curtains too!
They needed shortening.

 And back on the early-morning ferry today with Patrick.
There were lots of Bestival-goers on board too.
Most of them left Sunday night or yesterday.

In Southampton there were three huge cruise ships that I saw docked.
This is one of them.

The cars on the ferry.
Grey day today.
I love grey days.

We have been blessed in our travels - un-wet weather every time until today
when it was fine drizzle.  Lovely.

On the train to Redhill again...
I liked the message in this advert.
"Find your place."
Find out who you are and what YOUR place in the world is.

More lovely flowers on one of the stations.
Our journey was about two and a half hours.

Another good message...
"Believe in better."

Dianne met us at Redhill again
and we are here for our last week!

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